Patrick Webb
President - National Wildlife Humane Society
Founder/Director - Top Of The Rock Wildlife Sanctuary
Patrick founded Top Of The Rock Animal Sanctuary in 1990, but has almost 35 years of rescue experience in a wide variety of wild animals. In the past, Patrick and his wife Karen, have also taken in many injured and orphaned native wild animals in the past, for raising and/or rehabilitation, and release back into the wild.
Patrick has also worked in the food processing industry as a food safety and sanitation advisor for over 40 years. He is well known and respected within the food processing industry, for his expertise and abilities concerning food processing sanitation, food safety and bacterial control programs.
To Be Announced
Secretary - National Wildlife Humane Society
Leon Rhodes, Accountant - RIP
Former Secretary - National Wildlife Humane Society
Our dear friend Leon Rhodes passed away June 19, 2012. He was integral to the start-up of NWHS in Arkansas and donated all of his work for many years. We cannot express how much he is missed.
Leon had a Tax and Accounting practice and was real estate developer in Fort Scott, Kansas. Leon was a theology graduate, ordained minister and an author of published articles on Biblical Doctrine.
Leon held a BGS from Kelce School of Business, and followed up his graduate work in sociology and psychology at Pittsburg State University. He was also a Smith/Hughes Industrial Arts graduate.
Leon was a veteran of both the United States Army and the United States Air Force (NORAD).
Doug Mays, Attorney
Doug was employed for appproximately fifteen years as an attorney for the Arkansas Game and Fish Department, so consequently is quite familiar with wildlife legal issues.
Doug now maintains a private law practice in Central Arkansas.
Karen Webb
Interim Secreatary - National Wildlife Humane Society
Karen worked in the medical industry for over 20 years for various physicians, typically as office manager. Karen has been steadfast in her efforts at Top Of The Rock Wildlife Sanctuary since it's inception. Many a wild animal "drop-off" owes Karen their lives, due to her efforts in raising and/or rehabilitation. Karen has provided tireless volunteer service to wildlife for well over 2 decades.